Thursday, April 22, 2010

I see that I still am getting this setup. are there any sites . that look for missing persons?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

the real question is do We ever stop looking

Our son timothy "runaway" or disappeared in 1989. He was 19 at that time.
We and the Iron county (UT) sheriff found no trace of him. We cry on birthdays.
We cry on Holiday's. When We hear of a find (body) We call to make shore it is him (it's not).
the emotions hide but are never gone. It's not like when Zeno died We know where he is berried.
But with Timothy there is no end. No closer. We keep looking , hoping and wondering is there a way to find people that don't want to be found. .OR Have died. John Doe. I need HELP on finding a "missing person". do you know a way (place to look) to find Thmothy or your lost boy.
Is he homeless? has he got married and moved on with His life? I'll keep looking!!!!!!